Tuesday, January 29, 2013

State TV in Norway

Takket være Bruce Bawer, får utlendinger bedre kjennskap til Norge og norske forhold - for eksempel NRKs skamløse journalistikk og politiske tilhørighet.

Du kjenner sikkert til saken som Bawer omtaler i artikkelen nedenfor, den sterkt kri­ti­serte, mani­pu­la­tive repor­ta­sjen om den dom­felte Mirela Mustata i men­neske­han­dels­sa­ken i Ber­gen.

Tror du det var de store avisene som grep fatt i NRK-svindelen? Neida, det var den utskjelte bloggen Document ved Nina Hjerpset-Østlie som stakk hull på Nrk-byllen:  NRK - de svakestes forsvarer?

Forresten, Document er ikke kjøpt og betalt av staten i form av pressestøtte, så det er all mulig grunn til å støtte dem økonomisk. Hører du, Rimi-Hagen og andre milliarderer?


Well, it’s done. I just made the first of my two compulsory yearly payments to NRK – short for Norsk rikskringkasting. In English it calls itself the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, but believe me, there’s nothing remotely corporation-like about it. It’s a fully government-owned and government-operated outfit, and its fealty to the Labor Party worldview is reflected in the nickname by which some of its disgruntled viewers refer to it: ARK, or Arbeiderpartiets rikskringkasting – Labor Party Broadcasting.

....Still, every once in a while NRK tries to pull something so flagrant in its dishonesty that it actually erupts into something of a scandal. Case in point: the January 12 edition of Dagsrevyen featured an eight-minute story about Mirela Mustata, a Romanian gypsy, or Romani, woman who was in a Norwegian prison after having been convicted of “aggravated human trafficking” in a case involving four children. The clear objective of NRK’s report was to paint Mustata as a victim of cultural prejudice, punished simply for trying to keep her children from starving. To this end, NRK implied that Mustata had done nothing more than put her kids to work selling costume jewelry on the street – which, viewers were instructed, is a harmless, generations-old gypsy tradition. “I did everything I could to take care of my children,” a weeping Mustata said on camera.

What NRK tidily omitted from its report was the actual nature of the offense for which Mustata was convicted: namely, she had taken ten thousand euros in exchange for allowing her eleven-year-old daughter to be pinned down by several men and raped.....

...It says something about the media environment in Norway that the news outlet that called NRK on this outrageously irresponsible piece of reportage was not any one of the big newspapers – pretty much all of which share NRK’s basic political orientation, and many of which receive government subsidies. No, the piece that brought NRK’s mendacities to light was written by Nina Hjerpset-Østlie of the privately owned news and opinion website document.no (which, after the July 2011 Oslo massacre, won a degree of worldwide fame because it was a target of media and political elites eager to silence criticism of Islam). Asked by Hjerpset-Østlie to comment on her piece, NRK refused.....

Les hele: State TV in Norway: Paying to Be Propagandized